Within this website you will find 17 categories of books:
Spirituality, Theology, Sacraments, Scripture, Biographies, Reference, Liturgy, Mariology, Psychology, Prose and Poetry, Ecclesiology, Art, Philosophy, General Interest, Fiction, Religious Life, Sociology.
To find a specific publication or to browse through our collection, please:
- Choose your category from the menu.
- Scroll down to view the titles
- If you are looking for a particular title or author, you may find it by searching on it.
- To borrow: click on the title of the publication, then the "Add to Basket" button
- When you have finished selecting titles (limited to three), click on the "Request selected" button to start the request.
- Fill out the form that is presented to you.
Your books will be available for pickup or returned at the front door of the convent (large porch) at 101 Silver ST. :
Saturdays 9:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Sundays 9:00 – 12:00 noon.
Visit of the library by appointment only: (207) 872-7072
Books may be kept for one month, and renewed. If they are overdue without being renewed, a donation is appreciated .