Biography Publications
- My Life With the Saints Ma1-234
- My Servant Catherine Le11-219
- My Several Worlds Bu21-73
- Mychal Judge PE-34
- Mystic & Man of Action Lo6-227
- Mystic and Missionary Ma66-254
- Mystic in Motley Ma45-248
- Nelson Mandela Be17-38
- Never Underestimate.. Sm1-369
- Nicholas Black Elk Pe30-322
- No Bars to Manhood Be18-39
- No Greater Love Ha13-176
- No Greater Love: The Story of our Soldiers Sp2-373
- On the Threshold of the Future La4-216
- One Woman's Journey CO-5
- Open Heart WI-2
- Oscar Romero Pe24-316
- Our Lady's Fool Ma58-252
- Padre Pio Gi1-157
- Padre Pio, The Stigmatist Ca17-80
- Padre Pro Ro12-350
- Paul Farmer Pe32-324
- Paul VI Go3-162
- Pauvre et Saint Cure d'Ars Pe9-304
- Peace with God Gr7-167
- Pennies for Pauline Wi7-423
- Perfect Friend Gu2-172
- Pilgrimage to the Shroud Ch4-84
- Pio Nono Ha2-174
- Pioneer in Brotherhood Sh4-362
- Pioneers of Faith Sc4-358
- Pius X Gi9-160
- Pius X To1-396
- Pius XI: The Pope and the Man Ar2-19
- Pius XII - Pope of Peace HA-4
- Pope Francis Bu3-64
- Pope John Paul II Sz1-380
- Rebel Bishop Ga6-152
- Redskin Trail Ri2-345
- Reformer: St. Charles Borromeo Ye2-428
- Reluctant Saint Sp4-375
- Rosemary Nyirumbe Pe29-321
- Rutilio Grande Gu1-171
- Sacred Surprises BO-3
- Saint Among Savages Ta5-383
- Saint Among the Hurons Ta1-381
- Saint Anthony Claret: Modern Prophet and Healer Ro15-352
- Saint Benedict: The Story of the Man and His Work Mc2-258
- Saint Catherine Laboure Di6-117
- Saint Catherine of Genoa Ba2-25
- Saint Francis Ka3-199
- Saint Francis Solanus: Apostle to America Ro10-349
- Saint of the Impossible Pa5-298
- Saint Paul Da3-106
- Saint Peter the Apostle Wa14-418
- Saint Sharbel Be13-37
- Saint Teresa of Avila Au1-23
- Saint Therese of Lisieux by those who knew her O'M1-292
- Saintly Companions O'M2-293
- Saints Are Not Sad Sh1-359
- Saints for Now Lu1-231
- Saints Westward At1-22
- Saints Who Made History Wa6-412
- Sanctity in America Ci1-88
- Sans Sac ni Baton Ca16-79
- Sans Sac ni Baton Lo3-226
- Seraph Among Angels Ma38-246
- Sermons of the Rev. Francis A. Baker He5-182
- Servants of Love: Mother Teresa & Her Missionaries of Charity Le15-221
- Shake Hands with the Devil Da1-105
- She Loved Je4-191
- Shepherd of Mankind Ba10-29
- Sidewalk Statesman Sc2-356
- Signs of Life HA-3
- Smiling Don Bosco Ch9-87
- Solzhenitsyn: A Pictorial Autobiography So1-370
- Something of a Rebel Sh8-366
- St. Anne Ke13-205
- St. Anthony and His Times Pu4-333
- St. Anthony Mary Claret (autobiography) Cl7-93
- St. Augustine and His Influence Through the Ages Ma52-251
- St. Benedict and His Monks Ma49-250
- St. Benedict Joseph Labre Go4-163
- St. Bernadette Soubirous Tr6-399
- St. Camillus Cu7-104
- St. Catherine Laboure PO-2
- St. Catherine of Siena Jo5-195
- St. Clare of Assisi Ro1-346
- St. Dominic Do9-121
- St. Francis of Assisi Ch8-86
- St. Francis Xavier Br1-53
- St. Francis Xavier Br4-55
- St. Gemma Galgani Pr1-329
- St. Gerard Majella Ca5-74
- St. Gregory, The Great Consul of God Sa5-354
- St. Ignatius of Loyola Pa3-297
- St. John Baptist De La Salle Ba5-26
- St. John Eudes Eu1-136
- St. John of God Mc6-262
- St. John of the Cross Cr9-99