Biography Publications
- The Soul of Pier-Giorgio Frassati Cl4-91
- The Spiritual Legacy of Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity Va8-407
- The Spiritual Life of Archbishop Martinez Tr4-398
- The Story of a Family:St. Theresa's Parents Pi2-326
- The Story of a Soul Th4-392
- The Story of Hildebrand - Gregory VII Bu17-71
- The Story of the Trapp Family Singers Tr1-397
- The Table of the King Bu6-66
- The Transitional Pope Ba1-24
- The Very Reverend Mother Mary of the Passion & Her Institute Cu2-100
- The Vocation of Aloysius Gonzaga Ma20-242
- The Voice of Blood O'M3-294
- The Way of Divine Love Me4-264
- The Wise Man from the West Cr8-98
- The Wool Merchant of Segovia Fa1-137
- The Yankee Paul Ho1-184
- The Year of Three Popes HE-1
- Thea Bowman Pe28-320
- Theodore Hesburgh Pe26-318
- Therese of Lisieux-The Story of a Mission Vo1-408
- Therese, The Saint Who Loved Us Ca19-81
- They Lived the Faith Ne1-287
- They Walked With God Wi1-421
- Thomas Merton Fo7-146
- Thomas Merton Pe19-311
- Thomas Merton Sh2-360
- Thomas Merton, Monk Ha14-177
- Thomas Merton, My Brother Pe13-307
- Thomas Merton-Brother Monk Pe1-300
- To Africa With Love Pu3-332
- To Speak the Truth in Love SC-5
- Two Dancers in the Desert Le17-223
- Valiant Voyager Bu5-65
- Venerable Vincent Palotti He2-181
- We Have Been Friends Together Ke14-206
- What Are These Wounds? Me11-267
- What is a Saint? Do11-122
- Wisdom's Fool Do14-125
- With God in Russia Ci3-89
- Witness to Hope WE-1
- Works of Love are Works of Peace Co3-96
- Wounded Shepherd IV-1
- Young Mr. Newman Wa9-415