- A Catechism of Christian Doctrine Ca1-1407
- A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture Or1-1399
- A Companion to the Summa Fa1-1453
- A Companion to the Summa Fa2-1454
- A Companion to the Summa Fa3-1455
- A Companion to the Summa Fa4-1456
- A New Catechism He3-1414
- A Practical Catholic Dictionary Pe5-1436
- An American Catholic Catechism Dy1-1412
- An Analysis of the Greek New Testament Ze1-1406
- Ancient Christian Writers Qu1-1457
- Ancient Christian Writers Qu2-1458
- Ancient Christian Writers Qu3-1459
- Ancient Christian Writers Qu4-1460
- Ancient Christian Writers Qu5-1461
- Butler's Lives of the Saints Th1-1466
- Butler's Lives of the Saints Th1a-1467
- Butler's Lives of the Saints Th1b-1468
- Butler's Lives of the Saints Th1c-1469
- Catechism of the Catholic Church Li1-1416
- Catechism of the Catholic Church Li2-1417
- Catechism of the Council of Trent Do1-1410
- Catechism of the Council of Trent Mc3-1420
- Catechism of Vatican II Pi1-1423
- Catechisme de L'Eglise Catholique Mp1-1421
- Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia St2-1401
- Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia St2a-1403
- Catholic Source Book Kl1-1415
- Catholicism Mc1-1418
- Catholicism Mc2-1419
- Celebrating the Saints Pu1-1465
- Christ Among Us Wi1-1426
- Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II Vo1-1474
- Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II Vo2-1475
- Commentary on the Documents of Vatican II Vo3-1476
- Corpus Christi O'C1-1443
- Cruden's Handy Concordanceto the Bible Cr2-1396
- Dictionary of biblical theology Le4-1432
- Dictionary of Saints De3-1463
- Dictionary of the Bible Mc1-1434
- Dictionary of the Council De2-1430
- Dictionary of the Liturgy La1-1431
- Dictionary of Theology Bo2-1428
- Dictionnaire Theologique Bo1-1427
- Documents of Vatican II Fl1-1471
- Ecclesia Ai2-1441
- Greek-English Lexicon Li1-1433
- Handbook of Catholic Theology Be1-1393
- Harper's Bible Commentary Ne3-1398
- Index to the New Testament Se1-1439
- Liturgia Ai1-1440
- Lives of Saints Pl1-1464
- New Dictionary of the Liturgy Po1-1437
- New World Dictionary-Concordance DC1-1429
- Presenting the Catholic Faith De2-1409
- Renewal of Faith Wh1-1425
- Sacramentum Mundi Ra1-1444
- Sacramentum Mundi Ra2-1445
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- Sacramentum Mundi Ra4-1448
- Sacramentum Mundi Ra5-1449
- Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible St3-1402
- Summa Theologiae Aq1-1450
- Summa Theologiae Aq2-1451
- Summa Theologiae Aq3-1452
- Synopsis of the Four Gospels Al1-1392
- The Catechism Explained Sp1-1424
- The Catechism of Modern Man DSP-1411
- The Catholic Companion to the Bible Wo2-1405
- The Catholic Encyclopedia Ne2-1442
- The Documents of Vatican II Ab1-1470
- The Jerome Biblical Commentary Br4-1394
- The Maryknoll Catholic Dictionary Ne1-1435
- The New Baltimore Catechism Co9-1408
- The New Jerome Bible Handbook Br5-1395
- The New Strong's Concordance of the Bible St1-1400
- The Wisdom of Catholicism Pe1-1422
- Theological Dictionary Ra7-1438
- To Be A Catholic Ga3-1413
- Treasury of Women Saints Ch2-1462
- Vatican Council II Fl2-1472
- Vatican II Ma1-1473
- Vocabulaire de Theologie Biblique De1-1397