Biography Publications
- St. John of the Cross HA-1
- St. Katharine Drexel TA-2
- St. Maria Goretti Bu1-62
- St. Martin de Porres, Apostle of Charity Ca9-76
- St. Odo of Cluny: The Maker of Christendom Si1-367
- St. Philomena Mo1-276
- St. Pius V An27-17
- St. Teresa of Avila Pa1-295
- St. Teresa of Avila Wa2-411
- St. Thomas More Re7-342
- Stage of Fools Br13-60
- Sts. Cyril and Methodius Ty1-404
- Teresa of Avila, Her Story Bo12-52
- Teresa of Calcutta PE-35
- That All May Be One Wi4-422
- The Adventures of My Grandfather Pe7-303
- The Answer is. . . TR-2
- The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest Ge6-156
- The Book of Saints Be1-30
- The Call of St. Clare Da8-109
- The Call of the Desert Za1-429
- The Case of Cornelia Connolly Wa1-410
- The Celtic Saints Pe15-308
- The Church of Mercy Po1-328
- The Communist Persuasion: A Personal Experience of Brainwashing Wi11-426
- The Correspondence of Pope Gregory VII Gr9-169
- The Cure D'Ars Tr12-401
- The Cure of Ars Lo17-230
- The Cure of Ars Mo3-278
- The Cure of Ars to His People An23-15
- The Death Camp Proved Him Real Wi9-424
- The Deliverance of Sr. Cecilia Br3-54
- The Duty of Delight El1-132
- The Family That Overtook Christ: The Saga of Citeaux Ra2-337
- The Field is Won: The Life and Death of St. Thomas More Re9-344
- The Fire of Francis Xavier Mc5-261
- The First Martyrs of North America O'B1-289
- The First Ursuline Re8-343
- The Golden Door Bu18-72
- The Golden String Gr5-166
- The Great Mantle Bu8-67
- The Halo on the Sword Pu2-331
- The Heart of a Woman AN-1
- The Heart of Fr. Damien Jo6-196
- The Hermit of Lebanon Ei2-131
- The Heroes of God Da4-107
- The Hidden Face Go1-161
- The Holiness of Vincent De Paul De4-111
- The Holy Souls: Viva Padre Pio Pa2-296
- The House of My Pilgrammage Ca8-75
- The Household of God: In God's Army Ma15-238
- The Household of God: King's Daughters Ma14-237
- The Household of God: Upon God's Holy Hills Ma16-239
- The Inner Life of the Very Rev. Pere Lacordaire O.P. Ch5-85
- The Intimate Merton: His Life From His Journals Me17-272
- The Junkie Priest Ha16-178
- The Last Days of Maximilian Kolbe Lo8-228
- The Last of the Fathers Me12-268
- The Life of Blessed Martin de Porres Ke1-201
- The Life of Francis Thompson Me13-269
- The Life of John Henry Card. Newman: Vol. I and II Wa8-414
- The Life of Samuel Johnson Bo10-50
- The Life of St. Frances of Rome Fu2-149
- The Life of Teilhard de Chardin Sp1-372
- The Life of Teresa of Jesus Te1-384
- The Lincoln Reader An26-16
- The Little Flower of St. Francis Br12-59
- The Long Loneliness (autobiography) Da7-108
- The Love That Made Mother Teresa Sc3-357
- The Making of a Mind Te4-387
- The Man from Rocca Sicca Co1-94
- The Man Who Got Even With God Ra5-340
- The Mantle of Mercy We5-420
- The Martyr of Futuna Gi6-159
- The Maryknoll Fathers Ki7-208
- The Master Diplomat Qu1-334
- The Mission of St. Catherine Gi5-158
- The Nun Tr8-400
- The Path to Rome Be12-36
- The Peace of St. Francis St11-377
- The Perfect Joy of St. Francis Ti2-395
- The Photo Album of Ste. Therese de Lisieux Ro6-348
- The Pope Speaks Gu3-173
- The Popes Jo1-192
- The Popes Jo2-193
- The Praise of Glory El4-134
- The Prey of the Priest Catchers Kn2-209
- The Progress of a Soul Me1-263
- The Road to Damascus O'B3-291
- The Roman Socrates Bo8-48
- The Rose and the Lily Ke11-204
- The Saints That Moved the World Mi3-273
- The Sands of Tamanrasset Mi8-274
- The Scholar and the Cross Gr1-164
- The Search for St. Terese Ro5-347
- The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton Me16-271
- The Seven Mountains of Thomas Merton Mo7-282
- The Seven Storey Mountain Me7-266
- The Sign of Jonah Me6-265
- The Singer and the Song Wi12-427